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Try It Out Tuesday Introduction

Over the course of the next few months, we're going to be adding a series to the blog called "Try It Out Tuesday," which, along with Work On It Wednesday is all about adding new things to your life and trying out new steps to take to work towards a healthier you.

 I will have a post each Tuesday with some information on a food (or food group) that I am going to be trying to work on adding into my diet for the week. This could range from things as broad as dairy products (which would actually be a real struggle for me) or as specifically as something like pomegranates (how the heck do you eat them?!) 

Whereas Work On It Wednesday is about all sorts of things in life - stress management, fitness, nutrition, time management, etc., Try It Out Tuesday is going to focus solely on food (yuuum!) and incorporating new foods or food groups to my overall diet.

Personally, I am really working towards cleaning up my diet and focusing on getting the most nutrient rich foods that I possibly can while still staying in a healthy calorie range for my height and age. I'm not a total believer in the idea of eating super fat items like lard, so I would consider this a fairly moderate nutritional make over - although as you all know from my ideas on the definitions of healthy, I do aim to eventually be more open to more "fattening" foods). But for now, you can just call me Middle Of The Road Lauren. ☺ Regardless, I am a firm believer in baby steps and making small changes towards greater good, so I am working toward implementing more nutritious foods in my diet, and really trying out new food options, particularly since summer is just around the corner and there should be a plethora of available choices! 

I would love for you to join me in Try It Out Tuesday. I want to hear about the changes you've made to your diet, whether you think they have had any effect on you, the changes you are still wanting to make, etc. How are you incorporating Try It Out Tuesday into your diet?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad I found your blog! I have already mentioned in other posts that I am starting the Specific Carbohydrate Diet because my five year old daughter was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in March and I am so frustrated that all we have been able to do with her other diagnoses (juvenile arthritis, uveitis) is add medication. She is also allergic (anaphylactic) to peanuts and tree nuts and has asthma, so the poor child has a lot to deal with.

    I found out about the SC Diet when trying to connect with other parents of children with IBD illnesses. We are only on day three, but I really hope it will work for my daughter. I think it can only benefit me too because I will be forced to make all homemade foods and avoid anything artificial.

    I have had pain in my lower right abdomen for a few years, which recently got worse. I finally decided to get it checked out. My doctor is stumped - the CT Scan didn't show anything in the area. Since starting the diet three days ago, the pain now comes and goes - instead of always being there. I don't know if the diet has anything to do with it, but it would be wonderful if it did!
